Membership Benefits
- Instruction, inspiration, encouragement, and fellowship at monthly meetings
- Guest speakers and opportunities to network with them
- Your photo and bio added to the FCW website
- Brainstorming and workshop meetings
- Zoom meeting option if unable to attend in person
- Access to FCW Paid Members Facebook page upon request to join
- FCW Critique Facebook group
* Membership Dues Policy: Annual memberships are $30. When joining in July, August, or September, the fee is prorated to $15. October-December new memberships are $30 which includes membership for the following year as well.
Junior Membership
Are you a young writer between middle school (6th grade) and age 17? This one’s for you!
Be sure to download, print, and sign the two documents provided here, and bring them with you to your first meeting.
We are excited to be a part of your writing journey!
To send membership dues by post:
Fellowship of Christian Writers
PO Box 101
Vera, OK 74082