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March Meeting: Panel Discussion with Some FCW Published Authors

March 11 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Do you have questions about the publishing journey, such as the pros and cons of self-publishing vs. traditional publication, or whether a literary agent is necessary? Maybe you’d like to hear from a seasoned professional about freelancing, balancing writing, faith, and life, finding a home for your devotions or poetry, or other issues pertaining to the author’s publishing journey. Now is your chance!

Join us for this month’s interactive author panel with moderator Laura Drumb and published authors Sarah Frantz, Cheryl Barker, and Kristi Woods. We’ll cover member questions about the publishing journey to help spur your writer aspirations.

Don’t miss out! Come with your questions for this fantastic time of learning and fellowship. The Zoom link will be posted in our private Facebook group for paid members. If you’re not yet a member and would like to attend as a visitor (can do this twice before joining), email our president, Cheryl Barker, at cheryl (at) cherylbarker (dot) net and she will add you to a list of visitors the Zoom link will be sent to the day of the meeting. Can’t wait to see you there!




Location:   Kirk of the Hills | 4102 E 61st St, Tulsa, OK 74136



March 11
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm