Fellowship of Christian Writers began with a handful of writers in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area in 1979. We are men and women, sharing a love for Jesus and talents for verbal expression, joining together for encouragement, education, and fellowship. Our goal is to equip and encourage writers to follow their God-given dreams of putting words to paper. Whether writing for the religious or secular market, writing articles or novels, or writing news, features, devotionals, poetry, scripts, and essays, writers have a special calling to deliver well-crafted words to their readers. Our purpose is to provide mentoring and instruction; share skills; offer kindly criticism; supply information on markets, contests, and conferences; share prayer needs, and be inspired and encouraged by fellow writers. Our desire is that our written words always reflect Christ and glorify God.
“The Lord announced the word, and great was the company of those who proclaimed it.”
Psalm 68:11
Coming up:
April Meeting

Annual Night of Sharing
It’s time once again for our Annual Night of Sharing!
Every April we continue a tradition begun in September 2000. Yes, the month has changed, but
the purpose has not. We share pieces we’ve written so that we can get to know one another better
as friends and writers. We keep our readings to five minutes each and usually have time for 10
readings. This year Melissa Coursen will emcee our program.
If you’d like to read something you’ve written, contact Melissa with your name and the title of
your piece by April 1st so she can prepare a program for our Night of Sharing on the 8th. If you
don’t have Melissa’s contact info, you may contact our president for it at cheryl (at) cherylbarker
(dot) net.
Don’t miss this special meeting. Be part of the tradition!
Melissa’s love of books began at age five when she stepped inside a library bookmobile parked
near her home. Over the years she has written many things that are not published, but she writes
with that goal in sight. She and her husband, Topper, have written American Lit, English Lit, and
Elementary Writing curricula for homeschool. They run Coursen Ink Works, an audio
transcription business. Together they have three grown sons and two little granddaughters.
April 2025
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM | Kirk of the Hills | 4102 E 61st St, Tulsa, OK 74136
Meetings also available via Zoom. Contact us for the Zoom link.

Questions? Contact FCW president Cheryl Barker at cheryl (at) cherylbarker (dot) net.
We look forward to hearing from you!